Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Down~Pour, A Cup of Stars and The Most Romantic Card in The Deck

Good Morning Lovers...

It is pouring rain this morning in Nebraska. I have been longing to take a walk in the cemetery in town as I haven't made it over there yet but it has just been too soggy the last few days. I had an über romantic idea that I would be writing this post about card Number 6, the Lovers, whilst sitting in a graveyard sipping some delectable Tulsi Sweet Rose tea and reveling in the spirit filled ambiance...  Alas, it isn't to be. I will have to settle for medium roast coffee inside my camper with a steady ceiling drip mere feet from where I sit on the bed. At least I still get to use my constellation mug!

"As long as someone else exists, we are not alone."
~Ananda Tarot

Ah, love... The topic of a great majority of the readings I do for others. When will I find true love? Is there someone out there for me? Is this person my soul mate? I find that most times when doing a reading about love, the Lovers card is conveniently absent...No, it is when I am reading for someone who is happily married and is wondering about the next step to take in their business that the Lovers show up. Sometimes this causes alarm
in my clients... What? I'm not looking for love, my relationship is wonderful, my husband and I never argue and we are intimate daily... No problems there! A common misconception about the most "romantic " card in the deck... The Lovers is rarely about love at all.

About the Lovers card: 
"...conflict between different attractions and the necessity of choice which means responsibility."
~Aquarian Tarot

In my study of the Lovers, I found a common theme throughout all of my guide books and other resources. This card is about a choice that must be made in a relationship.  Remember though... Not all relationships are sexual or romantic in nature. This could mean a business relationship, a relationship with your pet, a family member, or something like, say, chocolate!!!

"Deep spiritual initiation, partnership or union is taking place at this time
or is manifesting for the future."
~Psychic Tarot Oracle 

A few other ways of interpreting this card in a reading are: 

1. Being open to inspiration or creativity. 
2. Generally a short term... 12~18 months. 
3. Love coming from within yourself.
4. Love of all nature. 
5. Harmony in a relationship, romantic or otherwise.
6. Needed balance in a relationship.

I have found that meditation is the way the divinatory meanings of the cards come through to me best. I suggest talking to your cards, spending some quality time with them individually as well as together and really bring your heart into finding the true meaning of each card for you. Everyone's interpretation, while they may have the same flavor, are meant to be very different. I even sleep with my deck! Find your interpretation, be open to the inspiration that the cards have to offer, and don't be afraid to bring your tarot study to heart level and let it fester there for a while. You will be amazed at what   comes out of those images if you just give them the chance.

 Please feel free to comment and let me know what interpretation comes through for you should you decide to spend some time with the Lovers this week... Also, don't forget to check out my YouTube channel ( https://youtu.be/zI1ZXn4C7WI ) and please like my page on Facebook!
( www.facebook.com/becomingmadamejonquil ) 

                                                 Much love, much light, many blessings ... 


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