My, my it's been a minute! I haven't forgotten about you. Although my hiatus was unplanned, it was definitely jam packed with people and experiences that ended up being stellar medicine for my soul. I hope to never stop learning, whether it be from mistakes or from whatever the opposite of a mistake is. I am not really sure. I just know that I am thankful for each and every twist in the plot because, without them, my life would be stagnant and infinitely boring. By GAWD it's good to be back.
The Chariot... Dude's legit. No joke, he is pretty much exactly who I needed to be with for the last several days. Coincidence? I think not.
"When you tap into your inner guidance and balance it with self control, hard work, and perseverance, it's likely to manifest a triumphant outcome."
~John Holland
During my time with him, the Chariot taught me quite a few different lessons. The Chariot is all about drive, forward motion, determination, consistency and momentum. This is an important life lesson in and of itself. We have to use determination to manifest the results that we want... stay focused, get inspired and then DO IT, whatever it is. Take the road less traveled and don't look back. Easier said than done, trust me I know... Making a decision to carry something out, no matter how small of a step it is, and actually following through to the end is something that I consistently struggle with.

"This is a time to be bold and commit to the hunting
of new life and a better relationship
with the world, as well as the fulfillment of
wholesome ambition."
~The Wildwood Tarot
The Lover's Tarot says that the Chariot represents "PROGRESS preceded by significant struggle." This really resonates with me, especially right now. When we go through a hard time, a struggle, we don't just get through it, we move past it. It's like lighting a fire under your own ass. Yes, whatever your struggles or obstacles are in life...they suck... BUT you take control, you leave your misunderstandings behind (huge for me right now!!!) you put in the effort, and you come out on the other side a stronger, more seasoned soul than you were before. You win. Triumph. Victory. Time to party!
"In everyday life (the Chariot) means that one should let go of old ways of thinking and, with trust in the order of the Universe, accept the unavoidable with calmness by greeting success as well as failure with the same strength of soul."
~Ananda Tarot
I love that... "greeting success as well as failure with the same strength of soul." That's powerful. The Ananda Tarot is one of my favorite decks to work with because, not only is it rich in symbolism without being over the top, but the meaning behind the cards comes through to me so much more gracefully than any other deck I own. In spending some quality time with the Chariot card from this particular deck and reading what the guidebook had to say there were a few things that stood out to me that I hadn't seen in my studies of other resources. Depending on your situation, if the Chariot shows up in a reading, it could be pulling you out of your comfort zone. GROAN... I know, I know... But it's true. Forward motion doesn't mean comfortable motion. Just because it is forward motion doesn't mean it's going in the direction you think is ideal either... in fact, sometimes forward motion can seem downright backward. I know it's happened to me that way many times. Sometimes the only way forward is the way back.
Think about this one: "New problems demand new solutions." Maybe you run into something on your path that is completely brand new to you. Happens all the time. You've never had to deal with something of this nature or this caliber before. You may need to take a step back, if for no other reason but to be able to see the problem or the obstacle more clearly. You end up having to "leave the realm of security to make a big leap forward." In the moment, I loath adapting but, once it has been done, I feel much better for having adapted to the situation and I feel triumphant for having been strong and not shying away from the situation, whatever it may have been. I have followed the urge toward independence and seen it through... Pop the bubbly!
"Holding on or moving on is a most difficult decision."
~The Wormweird Tarot
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