How I've missed you so... A lot has been happening in my life the last few months that I have let my blog go by the wayside, and I am not okay with this! I've made a commitment to be present in this venue so present I shall be. Onward!
Last night I was really having a good ponder on the content of this blog post and I am really not feeling the Strength card, which is the next card on my list to blog about. This could be for one of a few different reasons... 1. I already wrote a deliciously long drawn out blog post about the Strength card and when I was about to hit publish, my computer had a fucking aneurism and decided to delete my entire post. (My computer is lucky I didn't chuck it across the room.) 2. I am just not feeling the energy of that particular card right now and "I don't wanna." *crosses her arms across her chest and pouts* or 3. I'm bored with the format I've been following for this blog and want to switch it up. Maybe it's a tiny bit of all three of those reasons. I don't know. All I know is that I am not going to be blogging about the Strength card today.
Those of you who follow me on social media will know that I have recently set up my Spring/Ostara altar and that in my posts about said altar, I mentioned that I will be working very closely with the Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot for the next few months. Whilst setting up my Spring altar, a lot of the items I chose to use reminded me a lot of the imagery used in this deck so I grabbed it and started flicking through. The Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot was gifted to me by a very dear friend of mine and I have been anxiously awaiting the perfect time to really dig into its imagery and spirit. When I first laid eyes on this deck, I found myself transported to a world not only of childhood whimsy, but terrors and shadows as well. It reminds me of that feeling of magick you get in your gut as a child, when you are not sure whether you're going to be scolded or praised for doing whatever it is you have in your infinite child's mind to do but you are going to do it anyway because it calls to you. Because you are young, and you are magickal and you crave the loss of your innocence. Because you are wild.
Back to last night and my inner argument about whether to blog about Strength or something else... So I am going back and forth with myself and it comes to me! Ask the cards, moron! So I did and VoiLa! Three cards that all come together to form an idea for a blog post about SHaDoW WoRK!!! So there you have it folks. I will be blogging today about shadow work. Let's do it!
Three Cards to Contemplate
When Thinking About Delving into Shadow Work

XIII Death: Shadow work is about being confrontational with yourself in order to achieve metamorphosis, transformation and change. In order to grow spiritually, something, some part of your shadow, has to die only to be reborn into something that serves you. Shadow work is about breaking yourself, tearing yourself apart and then putting yourself back together again in a way that changes you completely. It is okay to be broken, you just can't stay broken. You are it, babe. You are the only one who can put yourself back together. Take your time with your reconstruction, but also don't be afraid to try different ways of coming to grips with your shadow~self. One of the most beautiful things about shadow work, in my opinion, is that it is NEVER complete. One can never say "Welp, that was fun. My shadow work is done." Sorry sweetheart. Our shadows shift and change as we transform. Never stop ascending!
IX The Hermit: As empaths, witches, heart~centered business owners, etc. we have a tendency to be present on other peoples behalf, but what of ourselves? Make a conscious decision to show up for yourself and don't worry about what others may think. I know this is easier said than done. I have been struggling with this myself lately. Many times, the people in our lives don't understand the nuts and bolts of why we shut ourselves in a room for hours on a Friday night, why we feel it's necessary to designate time to journal or do yoga or for our daily meditation practice. The important thing isn't that they understand, but rather that they are understanding. You may need to have a sit with your loved ones to explain to them that, while it may seem like you are not present for them as much as usual, you need some time to be present for yourself right now. Anyone who really cares about you, your wellbeing and your spiritual journey will be all for you achieving your goals and will not be offended by you taking a bit of alone time.
"I thought the most beautiful thing
in the world must be
~Sylvia Plath
The Bell Jar
It is becoming very clear to me that working with the Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot this Spring along with journal prompts, videos and all around succulent shadow work content courtesy of Miss Kelly~Ann Maddox, will prove to be a much needed challenge. This is long overdue... Not only the bonding with one deck in particular, but also really getting down with myself. I have some poking, prodding, digging, grieving, TRaNSFoRMiNG to do. I'm ready.
Until next time,
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