There is something about the early hours of the morning that just does it for me. When everyone else in my house is still asleep; when the countryside is silent and the sun is barely peeking over the horizon. I do my best blogging in the morning, my best reading, my best photography, collaging, journaling... This is when I am at my most creative, my most powerful and my most grounded. These are the crisp hours, the new hours. These hours still have new car smell, new baby smell, fucking morning breath, I don't know. My phone isn't ringing, I'm not being asked to help with anything, to do anything, to be anywhere... These hours are mine. This is my time.
I found a patch of sun on the wall in the kitchen. It distracted me for a good ten minutes. Inspiration struck and I went with it. The important thing is that my coffee is now refilled and I am feeling quite peppy. Let the blogging commence!!!
When I started this blog, my vision was to go through the major arcana and blog about each card. "The Fool's Journey"... yada, yada, yada. Typical. Welp, shit happens and in true Jonquil fashion, I changed my mind. It's what I do. It's kind of my thing. Ask my brother. My more recent blog posts have been pretty off the cuff and in the moment. This post is no different and I don't see this changing anytime in the foreseeable future. I like it. It seems more my style.
What does this mean for you as a reader? Basically, it means that things may get a little chaotic. (also my style, FYI.) I'll probably ramble. I'll likely get off topic. I'll, no doubt, produce blog posts that are just me riffing on topics that have made their presence known in my life somehow or that I just find fucking interesting and want to talk about. It also means that I will be asking for interaction; feedback, ideas for future blog topics, your views, your beliefs, your concerns... Pretty much, I want to build a relationship with you, my droogs, my readers, my siblings in this crazy, kooky, world of cyber wondrousness and magick. I want to talk with you. To create content that you want to read and that you connect with. I want you to leave my page feeling loved, heard, fulfilled and inspired. BREATH JONQUIL!!! And... Scene. *curtseys*
Moving on...
As most of you already know, I am working solely with the Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot for the Spring season and I have been working my way back through Kim Huggens' Tarot 101 using this daintily sweet, feminine deck that I am absolutely in fucking love with.
Side note: I'm going to make a suggestion, if I may... If you are a tarot reader (novice, intermediate, expert... it makes absolutely no difference) and you want to really connect with your working deck or you are looking to further your knowledge of the tarot in general, purchase Tarot 101 by Kim Huggens immediately. You will not regret it. There are literally hundreds of journal prompts, ideas galore, insights, exercises, spreads... I could talk about the benefits of owning this book for DAYS. Look, if you don't own it, buy it. Here is a link to the book on Amazon.
Focus, Jonquil, focus...
Three card draw to give direction to this post:

Three of Wands: Perched atop a leafless tree, a trail of roses in her wake and a fox hot on her heels, this winged beauty sits in contemplation, head bowed and hands clasped. The three of wands urges you to pause. She reminds you to take a moment to reflect on what's happening, not only around you, but also within. Be aware of any dangers that may be lurking in your vicinity, ground yourself and take your time in making necessary changes to your goals before resuming your journey.
The High Priestess: A mountainous, selenite~esque figure stands in a snowy wonderland amongst a few scattered, boney trees. Her crown floats; hovering, seemingly twirling above her head and her left hand is lain lightly over her heart; a gesture of compassion. On her face, a serene look of knowing; of intuition, feminine power and confidence. This card is representative of our own intuition. Trust in it. Be confident in it... I cannot remember where I heard this recently but I was listening to a podcast or a YouTube video that was talking about keeping an intuition journal as a sort of intuition building exercise. The thought behind it was that you build confidence in your intuitive inklings by recording them in a journal and then following up regarding whether your intuition was right or wrong. I would love to give credit where credit is due for that fantastic idea... if you know what it was I was listening to, please link it in the comments!
Eight of Wands: Seated comfortably with both feet flat on the floor, the delicately winged figure in this card slowly lets her eyes slide closed and turns her attention inward. In her hands are clutched multiple strings on the ends of which illuminated fireflies dance. This is a card of meditation and divine communication. Meditation, going within, consideration and contemplation is a crucial part of spirituality, regardless of which spiritual path, if any, you are currently resonating with. I know I am not alone when I say I struggle with making meditation a part of my routine. I'm consistently running late in the morning, I hold a job during the day, the evenings are filled with dinner, dishes, laundry, then there is family; my husband and the spawn, they demand attention every now and again... It's an age~old excuse. I don't have time to meditate. But I don't have time for excuses anymore. The fact is, I do have time to meditate. Having a spiritual practice means that you set aside time to practice being spiritual! That's the fucking definition! That's what it IS!
My goal for this month is to practice practicing; to meditate daily, to spend less time talking about spirituality and more time practicing spirituality. A worthy goal indeed in my opinion and one I am determined to see through.
Now, this witch needs tea... I hope you all have a fantastic week! I would love to hear feedback; What would you like to see on the blog? What do you want to talk about? Leave me a comment and let me know!
I love you all equally and unabashedly...
Ta~ta for now!