Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Scent of Agrimony, The Empress and Birthing a Masterpiece

Hello all you lovely Witches… 

I want to start off the blog this time with a heartfelt, genuine, Agrimony scented thank you to all of you who reached out with sympathy after the death of my sweet kitten River. Your kind words and healing energy help more than I could ever express.  I am eternally grateful to have such a wonderful community of Witches with whom to share both my joys and my sorrows.   From the bottom of my heart, thank you.  That being said… on with the Tarot talk!

I have always had a strange love affair with the number 3 and any multiple of 3.  To me, 3 is a number of stability and strength.  As I write this I am 33 years old, and I am comfortable in my skin, my life, my work and my spirituality more than I have ever been… ever. I feel strong, confident and courageous.  There is something about this year that is just so magickal and empowering and while it may seem crazy to link the fact that I am finally SUPER happy with my life and everything and everyone in it to numerology, I do. So naturally, I was excited to delve into card number 3 of the major arcana ~ The Empress. 

“Who is The Empress? Is she witch or goddess,
devouring mother or Madonna,
femme fatale or femme inspiratrice?
The answer is probably all of these~ as who among women is not?
And what man does not have lurking in his depths a powerful feminine
  aspect by turns creative and vindictive; moved to compassion one moment
and in a jealous rage the next!”
Jung and Tarot ~ An Archetypal Journey
                                                                       By~ Sallie Nichols

The Empress is the mother of the Tarot.  She is compassionate, loving, and strong and always there when you need her.  She is a fixture in the house of Tarot and the glue that holds it all together.  She is action where the High Priestess is intuition and intent. 

When you think of a mother, what kind of things do you think of?  I think of reproduction, the bearer of seeds, the giver, the nurturer. The appearance of this card in a spread, while it could mean a literal pregnancy or a person in your life who nurtures and is compassionate, resonates with me as more of a call to recreate.  Regardless of gender, we are all able to create new life … We are creative.

“Be as creative as possible in every way

 to avoid a life that is bereft of new life;

we were born to create more.”

Around the Tarot in 78 Days

       By~ Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin

The Empress calls out for us to be creative… to produce something new!  This is exciting!  Let’s do it… let’s write a poem, paint with watercolors, put together a bouquet of wild flowers… let’s birth a masterpiece …just for the sake of being a creatrix.  Creativity makes us stronger, more stable Witches.  It has infinite power.  Harness it! Use it! Go forth and recreate, reproduce… and don’t forget to share it with your Witchy friends.  (Hopefully I am included! J)

Until next time...Love, light and blessings to you all!

Monday, July 20, 2015

The High Priestess, A Chance Encounter and A Hot Starbucks Window Seat

Good afternoon Witches!

I sit here in a crowded Starbucks on the hottest Monday afternoon ever and I have no other option but to sit at the window... with the sun beating in. Normally I would be extremely excited to sit in the sun, I am a child of nature… but it is so hot. Seriously…SO HOT.

This week I have been researching card number 2 of the Tarot, The High Priestess. If you are reading this, please do me a favor… If you have a Tarot deck, pull it out and take a good long look at the High Priestess card. Take a few minutes to meditate with her; really listen to what she has to say.  She is a wealth of knowledge and the best way to connect with her is to be with her in her world. What do you notice about this card that is different from the first two cards we have encountered?  What does your intuition tell you about this card and the images within it?

As with all of the twos in the Tarot, the High Priestess makes me first think of duplicity; the need to see life from different perspectives and the magickal feminine power of reproduction... but not only that. The Popess, as she is sometimes called, is the first woman to show up on our journey, and thank Goddess she is! She embodies women's power and intuition like nobody's business.

The first thing I notice when looking at the different High Priestesses in my Tarot collection, is that in almost all of them she is shrouded. Shrouded in mystery? Probably... she looks awfully mysterious. She is also the first to be seated. To me, this means she is rooted grounded.  This woman isn’t going anywhere.  She knows her place and this is it.  She has neither need nor desire to be anywhere else.

I have a couple of quotes I want to share with you that I found in my studies this week. The first one comes from the book Jung and Tarot- An Archetypal Journey by Sallie Nichols and I think this is a good time to share it. Sallie has a very unique, brilliant approach to the Tarot.  She has taught me so much in the last week just by reading this one little section of her book. In this quote, Sallie has stepped into the High Priestess card and is conversing with the High Priestess herself, asking her questions almost interrogation style, and the answers she gets are incredible.

"'Lady Popess, many women today feel that you should be Tarot number one. Do you agree with them?'...
'Mercy no!... There are lots of things they don't understand about our wicked, wily, wonderful number two! Yes, I'm quite contented with woman's place.'"
~Sallie Nichols Jung and Tarot- An Archetypal Journey


The moon, a symbol of femininity, power and intuition, makes an appearance more often than not on the High Priestess cards that I possess, and a couple of my cards show an owl or some other symbol of knowledge and wisdom.  Think about it… Mystery and knowledge… INTUITION!  If there is one word that sums up the High Priestess card for me, it is intuition. 

I love and adore Kelly Ann Maddox and I watch her YouTube channel like it’s going out of style.  I believe it was she who commented on the possibility of the High Priestess card, Roman numeral II, could correspond with the death card being the 11th card in the major arcana.  This is something I am really going to have to chew on… and something that I find absolutely intoxicating about the art of Tarot.  There are so many ways of reading the cards, many of which I can’t even fathom this soon in my Tarot journey!
I am obsessed, enamored, infatuated by Tarot. I have never had anything that I was really passionate about in life, and Tarot dropped in right when I needed it.  It opened doors I never thought I would go through confidently and I am striding my ass through them every day without a second thought!  With Tarot, I have and continue to manifest my own destiny.  The journey has only just begun and I feel like I have stripped myself of my old skin and I am a new woman. 

Yesterday, as I was strolling down our lane to try to make my daily step goal, I came across a very large black snake.  She was so majestic and sleek that it took me so by surprise that my breath caught in my throat and for a moment I couldn’t move.  We were both seemingly frozen in time, staring into each other’s eyes.  We shared a magickal moment, the snake and I.   I have never been a huge reptile fan so for me not to be freaked out of my gourd was strange, but not only was I not afraid, I was so excited that I ran back to the house to get my husband and my son.  Alas, when I returned to show off my new-found friend, she was nowhere to be found.  I am sure I will see her again; however, I am not sure that either of us was on this plane when we met on Peppermint Lane.  That elegant snake was, to me, a symbol of the High Priestess manifesting herself in my life.

“…for an even number, two is a little odd, don’t you think?

I mean, two is fat and substantial like a pot,

yet it is also kind of curly and elusive,

like a snake…”

~Sallie Nichols Jung and Tarot- An Archetypal Journey


I sincerely hope that anyone following this blog is getting as much out of my studies as I am.  Please feel free to share and comment!  I would welcome any constructive criticism as well as any of your views on the cards. Until next time Witches…


BLESSINGS to you all!!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Magician, Manifestation and an Unfortunately Late Post!

            Ahhhh!!  I am a day late in posting... and it KILLS me!  The hubs and I have been so busy tearing out carpet and demolishing our bathroom that I totally spaced blogging yesterday, not to mention the rest of the week.  I had every intention to share a deck review last week and it just didn't happen.  My apologies!  I will do my best to be more consistant in my blog posts once we are finished remodeling our home... Until then, I am still going to do my best to catch up with you here on the blog once a week, as close to Monday as humanly possible! 

            So... Card numero uno!  The MAGICIAN.  I love seeing this card come up in any spread.  To me the magician means skill, manifestation and bringing the power of the Universe, God, Goddess, Diety, whatever title resonates with your path, and bringing it into being in the physical world.  I look at the way the Magician is pointing with one hand to the universe and with the other hand to the earth.  This to me can mean nothing but manifestation.  It being card number one, it also is fairly early in the journey, so it also may mean learning a new skill or way of manifesting your dreams.  Try out new ways of manifesting, learning or just being spiritual in general.  Even, and  probably better, if you make it up!  

A lot of readers think of the Magician as a trickster, and while I can see that in some positions within a spread, that is not how this card comes through to me 9 times out of 10.  I see a forward motion and bringing the unthinkable into reality... MAGIC(K)!!!!

"The universe is saying:
Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen." 
 ~Klaus Joehle

             One more thing before I go...  I am absolutely STARVING to get together with all you witches!  I am thinking of trying to plan a retreat sometime soon.  Please leave your thoughts in the comments!  I would love to see if anyone would be interested in attending if I were to set things up, what you would be interested in doing whilst at said retreat and just any random thoughts in between!  What do you think???!!! 

 Thank you to all who are reading and sharing! Please comment and let me know if you have any questions, comments or critiques... I would love your feedback! You witches are my favorite!!

Love and Light to ALL!! 

~ Jonquil

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Fresh Start, A New House and A Free Spirit- The Fool Card


          I hope you all had a safe and splendid holiday weekend! Mine was full of new beginnings, which compliments the first card of my journey beautifully... The Fool.

          My husband, my son and I just moved from the "city" of Omaha, Nebraska to pretty much the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but nature. Our new house needs desperately to be remodeled so we are staying in a fifth wheel camper in our front yard for a couple of months while we tear our house apart and put it back together again... Talk about a test of patience! But alas, between boxes and fireworks my son's birthday and brand new baby kittens, I had some time to research card 0 of the tarot. And oh did it ever resonate with me!!


           The first thing that stood out to me when meditating on this card is how this "fool" is not so foolish after all! No... He is innocent, not foolish. I feel like these two things can be mistaken for each other a lot of the time. You'll often hear phrases like "Act your age," "Grow up," and "Watch where you're going." Maybe that isn't always such sound advice... Maybe sometimes you need to act like a child! Be childish, leap before you look, let your spirit be free... There is no telling where you might end up if you do! I say, take that childish journey, spend that ungodly amount of money, sign up for that class!  And the fool stands beside me grinning and shouting "Tell 'em girl!"

          I know that if I had listened to what my logical mind would have told me was the "smart" or "grown up" thing to do, I would not be living in a fifth wheel camper in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, driving a half an hour  to work every day and loving every second of it! I find myself acting like a child more now than ever before and my hubs and I have never been happier! Sometimes you have to take that leap of faith and let your spirit soar free!  You may land in shit... In which case, at least you tried and you probably learned something along the way... But you may just find yourself exactly where you have always dreamed of being!

           Take it from my friend the fool. Grab your bindle and your rose and step off that cliff! You know what? Take your little doggie friend with you!  You'll feel better for it.

                                   B. B    
Blessings, blessings, blessings...
