Hello all you lovely Witches…
I want to start off the blog this time with a heartfelt,
genuine, Agrimony scented thank you to all of you who reached
out with sympathy after the death of my sweet kitten River. Your kind words and
healing energy help more than I could ever express. I am eternally grateful to have such a
wonderful community of Witches with whom to share both my joys and my
sorrows. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. That being said… on with the Tarot talk!
I have always had a strange love affair with the number 3
and any multiple of 3. To me, 3 is a
number of stability and strength. As I
write this I am 33 years old, and I am comfortable in my skin, my life, my work
and my spirituality more than I have ever been… ever. I feel strong, confident
and courageous. There is something about
this year that is just so magickal and empowering and while it may seem crazy
to link the fact that I am finally SUPER happy with my life and everything and
everyone in it to numerology, I do. So naturally, I was excited to delve into
card number 3 of the major arcana ~ The Empress.
devouring mother or Madonna,
femme fatale or femme
The answer is probably all of
these~ as who among women is not?
And what man does not have lurking
in his depths a powerful feminine
aspect by turns creative and
vindictive; moved to compassion one moment
and in a jealous rage the next!”
Jung and Tarot ~ An Archetypal Journey
By~ Sallie Nichols

When you think of a mother, what kind of things do you think
of? I think of reproduction, the bearer
of seeds, the giver, the nurturer. The appearance of this card in a spread,
while it could mean a literal pregnancy or a person in your life who nurtures
and is compassionate, resonates with me as more of a call to recreate. Regardless of gender, we are all able to
create new life … We are creative.
“Be as creative as possible in
every way
to avoid a life that is bereft of new life;
we were born to create more.”
Around the Tarot in 78 Days
The Empress calls out for us to be creative… to produce something
new! This is exciting! Let’s do it… let’s write a poem, paint with
watercolors, put together a bouquet of wild flowers… let’s birth a masterpiece …just
for the sake of being a creatrix. Creativity
makes us stronger, more stable Witches.
It has infinite power. Harness it!
Use it! Go forth and recreate, reproduce… and don’t forget to share it with
your Witchy friends. (Hopefully I am
included! J)
Until next time...Love, light and blessings to you all!
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