Monday, July 6, 2015

A Fresh Start, A New House and A Free Spirit- The Fool Card


          I hope you all had a safe and splendid holiday weekend! Mine was full of new beginnings, which compliments the first card of my journey beautifully... The Fool.

          My husband, my son and I just moved from the "city" of Omaha, Nebraska to pretty much the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but nature. Our new house needs desperately to be remodeled so we are staying in a fifth wheel camper in our front yard for a couple of months while we tear our house apart and put it back together again... Talk about a test of patience! But alas, between boxes and fireworks my son's birthday and brand new baby kittens, I had some time to research card 0 of the tarot. And oh did it ever resonate with me!!


           The first thing that stood out to me when meditating on this card is how this "fool" is not so foolish after all! No... He is innocent, not foolish. I feel like these two things can be mistaken for each other a lot of the time. You'll often hear phrases like "Act your age," "Grow up," and "Watch where you're going." Maybe that isn't always such sound advice... Maybe sometimes you need to act like a child! Be childish, leap before you look, let your spirit be free... There is no telling where you might end up if you do! I say, take that childish journey, spend that ungodly amount of money, sign up for that class!  And the fool stands beside me grinning and shouting "Tell 'em girl!"

          I know that if I had listened to what my logical mind would have told me was the "smart" or "grown up" thing to do, I would not be living in a fifth wheel camper in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, driving a half an hour  to work every day and loving every second of it! I find myself acting like a child more now than ever before and my hubs and I have never been happier! Sometimes you have to take that leap of faith and let your spirit soar free!  You may land in shit... In which case, at least you tried and you probably learned something along the way... But you may just find yourself exactly where you have always dreamed of being!

           Take it from my friend the fool. Grab your bindle and your rose and step off that cliff! You know what? Take your little doggie friend with you!  You'll feel better for it.

                                   B. B    
Blessings, blessings, blessings...



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